Friday, July 13, 2007

Typhoon on its way

We had planned a road trip for the upcoming long weekend. Alex, David and I were going to drive up to Oita where we would meet up with Sheila and Miho who would be taking a ferry over from Kochi. I was looking forward to it so much….and since Sheila will be leaving Japan soon, this would have been the last time I see her before she leaves!

But, it was not meant to be….a typhoon was expected to hit this weekend, the worst of it expected for Saturday. Smack dab in the middle of the long holiday. You know it's bad when the school decides to cancel classes.

If there was any doubt that when Miho, Sheila and I get together we bring bad weather, it’s now settled. When in Korea, one of the storms broke in the ceiling of the place where we were staying. When in Australia during the summer, it snowed. And the day that we confirmed that they would meet up in Oita, the typhoon warning was broadcasted. I can’t believe it….the three of us put together brings about violent weather. If only we could harness that power and make it work in our favour….

So no road trip this weekend.

But on the bright side, David’s excited because he’ll be able to experience what a typhoon is like!


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