Wednesday, February 28, 2007

In preparation for tomorrow’s graduation ceremony, we had a final 3 hour practice/rehearsal in the gym.

The ceremony consists of lots of standing and bowing at appropriate times (sometimes all the students, sometimes just the graduating students, just the 1st and 2nd year student, sometimes just the teachers, and at other times everyone..). It all seems more complicated than it needs to be..!

What felt like an hour but might have been more like 5 or 6 minutes was spent having all the students stand and sit repeatedly until they moved as one. When they are seated, their hands are fists placed on their knees. When they stand, their hands should be by their side. There is no extra movement allowed.

It’s quite a sight to see all 800 students stand up, then sit down in perfect unison, with no fidgeting whatsoever. It's all very militaristic..The importance placed on the exactness of all movements is a bit intimidating!


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