Monday, February 12, 2007

Day downtown

Today is a National Holiday. I was woken up this morning by the doorbell at 8:30am. Usually, I’m quite an early riser, but apparently not today. Someone was ringing the doorbell very persistently. Once it woke me up, I figured they’d go away soon since no one was answering the door.

But no. They wandered around to the front of the apartment and started calling out my name. The weather has gotten warmer, so I usually leave the windows open.. so his voice carried in loud and clear. From the sound of where the voice was coming from, it seemed like he was making a tour of the apartment…

So I dragged myself out of bed, flung on a sweater and went to the door. It was the secretary from my school who lives in the apartment just down the street. He was with his 3 kids (the cutest kids ever..!!) The kids were all holding traditional Japanese kite-type things. They were on their way to the park and thought I might want to join them in flying the kites…I took a rain check…

I met up with Alex and his friend Kyle downtown for lunch. Alex reads a lot of mangas and suggested that I use them to practice my Japanese as well. He gave one called ‘Naruto’. From the looks of it, it will be more interesting than the children’s books I’ve been (very VERY slowly) working through from the library.

We had lunch at a soba shop that Dr. Izumi had treated my sister and I to a couple of years ago which I've been wanting to go back ever since, but didn't know where exactly it was..I was excited to find it today! The owner is very outgoing and talkative and it made for a very entertaining lunch!

While walking down the streets, some random person falls in step beside me and starts chatting in English. I was in the middle of speaking with Kyle and Alex…not much later on, another person decides he wants to practice his English too and starts chatting away. It’s like I have a sign on my head that says ‘talk to me’...

There are plenty of lanterns set up around the city in preparation for the upcoming Chinese Lantern Festival which will be starting this weekend.

Later in the evening, we met up with the guy I met while jogging last week. He seems like a pretty cool guy, but doesn’t speak a word of English which makes for very difficult communication…Good thing Alex was around to translate!


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