Thursday, December 07, 2006

Amanda visits Seiryo and Brett stays over

It’s term test period at Amanda’s school this week, and since she’s exempt from writing the tests, she has nothing to do at school. I invited her to come to Seiryo as a guest to give the students a chance to practice their English on someone new, and for her to see what the classes are like here.

The students loved meeting Amanda, they were really excited at having her in the class!

From school, I headed to the Baha’i center downtown to meet Brett. Brett is a 54-year old New Zealander Baha’i who’s been the caretaker for the Baha’i center in Osaka for the last year. He was asked to help do some fix up work on the center here, since Robert left. He arrived earlier this morning, and will be heading back to Osaka tomorrow. I had offered my place to crash.

When I arrived, I found that he had already changed the locks on the front door, made a makeshift cover for the window (which I had flung myself through last week), and was finishing up doing some odds and ends.

A short while after we got home, the doorbell rang…it was Iwata san. The last couple of days had been so busy with work that I had completely forgotten there was our Japanese conversation class today!

We had dinner together, accompanied by very lively conversation (as is always the case with Iwata san!)


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