Sunday, June 04, 2006

Day 2 of the Kosotai

I went back to Omura to see the girls this morning. They were playing against Kuy Bun (from Sasebo).

Kyu Bun is the number one team in Japan. The captain was named best high school player in all of Japan last year. Whereas with other teams you can see who is the setter, hitter, digger during the warm up, you can't tell with this team. All the players are about 6 feet tall, and they can all dig, set and hit really well. It was just beautiful watching them play, every play was perfect.

Seiryo was no match for this team. They lost both games, but they gave it their best shot!

I went back to Seiryo to watch the boy's game. I thought yesterday's game was exciting, well. It was nothing compared to today! They were playing against a really strong team, they lost the first set and won the second 23-25. The third set was close the whole way, but they won 25-27! The gym was packed, and when they won everyone was jumping up and down and hugging each other! It was so warm in the gym, we were all icky and sweaty from all the cheering and the jumping up and down. They won, woohoo!

Tomorrow will be the finals, at 12 pm. Kitano sensei and I had originally planned to go see kendo together on Monday, but will be going to Omura instead to watch the boy's final.


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