Friday, March 24, 2006

End-of-year Enkai

Today was the last day of school, before the spring holidays begin! School will resume on April 7th (I think that's when the opening ceremony will be held)

However, most teachers and students will still be going to school during the holidays.. Teachers have work to catch up on, and students have club activities which go on 365 days a year.

Every 6 years or so teachers are transferred to a different school. This year, there were 13 out of the 60 or so teachers from my school that will be changing schools. I guess the thinking behind this system is to prevent things from getting stagnant, the community of teachers becomes stronger because over the course of their teaching career they will have worked with many colleagues, keep things

The closing ceremony was held today during which the teachers who are being transferred to a new school all gave short goodbye speeches. It was so sad!!

The teachers have till April 1st to make travel arrangements to their new town/city, find a place to stay (sometimes the school has teacher's appartments available, like where I live), sometimes have to enroll their children in new schools, become familiar with their new town, meet the new teachers they'll be working with, etc. They have 1 week to get this all done. I have no idea how they manage all this in the short time they're given...

There was an end-of-year enkai this evening (there have been many in the past week, 'tis the season of enkais..), during which the teachers again said a few words. The vice-principal from my school is changing, he will be a principal at the next school he goes to. I'm really sad to see him go! I will really miss some of the teachers..

At enkais, everyone gets really drunk, and say what they've always want to say. The whole of japanese society relies heavily on's a social lubricant here. However people are very responsable, even when completely drunk!


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