Saturday, October 14, 2006

Apartment Cleaning

Today was cleaning day at my apartment building. Since moving here, I have never been home on the 'cleaning days' (mainly because they're organized on weekends). However, since I was home today I was happy to help out. We started at 8:30am, and ended around 11am.

It was a beautiful sunny day. So, as is the custom in Japan, everyone was covered from head to toe to protect themselves from the sun.

Most of the people who live in my building helped weed, cut the grass, sweep, etc. There was a lot of mess left over from the last typhoon that passed through. Once the building area looked decent, we moved on to the road..weeding, sweeping etc.

I think it's great that people make time to clean the neighbourhood they live in!


Blogger Unknown said...

It is nice to read this sort of article you guys have shared a very good services , But i have experiences in a very good sense with Executive Cleaning Edmonton Service for the last year and a half. We usually arrange for a team of two cleaners for three hours every month,

2:05 PM  

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