Davidie's Birthday
(or "tanjobi omedetto gozaimasu" as they would say in Japan!)
I found some pictures, and thought I would share them with you. Unfortunately I dont have too many older ones (before digital cameras) with me in Japan. However, few as there are, they always make entries more interesting..!

Here you are with Chakou, when you were....huh? This was taken before you were born?? oh no, my mistake, you were born in 86, soo..you were almost 1 year old in this picture. And here we are, all looking tanned (or fried..), just home from the Bahamas, back when Roxy and I were taller than you.
Just back from 'Grade 9 Day' at school. Looks like you had a lot of....fun!Sleeping comfortably with Yoshi...
Sleeping not-so-comfortably with Yoshi...
The first picture we printed using that cute mini-printer that made funny noises.
Helping dad shovel the driveway. Aww...what a good boy! You and your little toy.
Eating a snack. (fish! dried fish! if you look closely, you can see the fish's eye socket..eewww)Taken last summer before we went to a professional photographer to get family pictures/portraits done. Just before you headed off to Isreal for a year or service, and me back to Japan.
How old are you now? 18? ..20??? Wow, you're no longer a teenager! Does that mean you're going to have to start acting like an adult?
Love you little brother!
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